Featured Natural: IvyCharlaine A treat for ladies natural, transitioning or just fans of lovely healthy hair! A Youtube natural that is making waves with her hair as well as her beautiful jewelry line. Here she is! How long have you been natural? I've been fully natural (relaxer-free) since around 2002. I had my last relaxer in 2000. However, I flat-ironed/scorched my hair straight regularly and rarely wore it curly in it's natural state. Did you transition long-term or take the plunge and BC? I basically was transitioning from severe heat and dye damage. My hair would barely curl at all. My transition was about 13 months. I didn't do the BC I just cut off a few inches of damaged/straight ends every couple of months until I got it all. I still have random straight ends that I just snip off myself when I see it. ![]() Why did you decide to go natural? I saw some videos on youtube with some beautiful curly heads and I started seeing woman out and about with bouncy, shiny, healthy curls and I said wow I want that. I was tired of flat ironing my hair every other week and being scared to go out in the rain or avoiding the beach (due to the humidity). I forgot what my natural texture was and I was curious to see how I would look. How have your friends and family reacted to the “natural” you? At first, when I was transitioning no one really said anything (I guess they didn't want to hurt my feelings lol) because it really wasn't that cute. But now my family and friends love my curls. They are amazed at the transformation. I sometimes get stopped in the streets and people ask me if I have a roller set or what kind of weave I'm wearing. I take it as a compliment though. I love my hair now! How long have you been on your healthy hair journey? (I know this is different from the decision to go natural for many women, myself included) I started my journey in October 2009, so it's been about 17-18 months. My hair has come a loooooooong way since then. What made you decide to treat your hair with more care? Well, I wanted it to be as healthy as possible. it's so important to be aware of the things you put in and on your body, and how it can affect you in the short and long term. My goal now is for length retention. I would love to have mid-back curly hair. Long locks like a modern day Rapunzel haha. Do you think your decision to take better care of your hair has changed you in any way? Yes, I feel like it's given me more confidence and I love how my hair causes me to not look like everyone else. It has a mind of it's own. I don't obsess on my hair being perfect and sleek and frizz-free any more. My hair is wild, fun, big and free and I LOVE it. I'm not scared of the rain or beach anymore!! Now on to the fun stuff! For the budding - and recovering - product junkies...
What are you favourite: Shampoos, Conditioners, Leave-ins and Oils! My favorite shampoos are SheaMoisture Moisture retention shampooand Trader Joe's Nourish shampoo. My favorite rinse-out conditioner is Trader Joe's Nourish conditioner. My favorite leave-in conditioner is Kinky Curly Knot Today moisturizing conditioner. My favorite stylers/refreshers are Kinky Curly Curling Custard, ShidaNaturals Moisturizing Curl refresher spray, Olive oil Ecostyler Gel and Coconut oil. I also like MyHoneyChild Olive You deep conditioner. Walk us through your regime for styling and caring for your hair. I co-wash my hair once a week (shampoo once a month) and then I rake and smooth in my leave in conditioner. Next, I scrunch in a tiny bit of gel and blot out some water with my flour sack towel. I then diffuse my hair half time right side up and the other half upside down. When it is about 90% dry, I simply scrunch and fluff up my hair and shake my head like a crazy person and then I'm done. At night, I pineapple my hair and wear a silk bonnet, I also have a silk pillowcase in case my bonnet falls off at night. The next morning, I refresh my hair with some spray and I just shake it and fluff it with my hands and go. I'm obsessed with wash n go's. I'm normally able to get about 4-5 day hair and then after that, I wear my hair in a ponytail/puff until I wash it again. I also deep condition my hair about 1-2 times a month as needed. I wear my heat therapy wrap when I'm deep conditioning. Any words of wisdom for ladies starting on their hair journeys? I want to be a role model for those seeking or considering going natural. I have a youtube channel based on natural hair where I do product reviews, tutorials and more. My youtube name is IvyCharlaine if you're interested. Society has taught us that there is a cookie cutter ideal of beauty, and my goal is to change that way of thinking. It's so important to embrace and accept what God has blessed you with. We were all made unique in our own way. I'm not bashing anyone who gets a relaxer or anything like that, I just want you to love yourself and not feel like you have to change in order to be beautiful. There is nothing wrong with enhancing your beauty, but you also need to love who you are. Outer beauty fades over time, but inner beauty shines through until the end of time.
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I'm Lola - a hair obsessed doctor who stumbled into running long distances and baking all the cupcakes. I blog about life, running and of course, hair! I'm an AltraRunCrew sponsored Athlete and a "RADRabbit" with Rabbit athletic gear, so I will do the occasional running shoe review. For business enquires, email me at [email protected] I do not own the copyright to all the pictures so I will credit the source, where that is the case. Categories
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